I’m sure you’ve heard of the age-old saying, “When the cats are away, the mice will play.” Now, what about when the humans are away? Will the cats play? We know that cats are smart enough to realize when we are gone—and this is even true if they are deep into a cat nap. Cats are very good at sensing their surroundings. Many cat people have wondered if their cats miss them when they are away. We’ve also wondered how long to leave a cat alone is too long. These two ponderings correlate. Because the truth is, your cat does wait for you to come home—even if they give you the cold shoulder when you walk into the door.
Do cats miss their owners when they are gone?
I am not the type to leave my cat alone for long—but this is only because I work from home, and I’m what many would label as a homebody. My cat knows when I’ve been gone longer than usual. For example, whenever I leave my cat overnight, he’s exceptionally clingy when I walk into the door. When I am gone for the normal amount of time, say a few hours, give or take, he is curious about my arrival but more nonchalant. Both times in his life when I left him overnight, he did the same thing. He takes all of his toys and puts them all together in my closet. It makes me sad because I know why he is doing this—because he’s lonely and anxious without me home for an extended period. He is the only pet in my household, so he does not have anyone to keep him company if I’m gone.
Do cats understand when you’ve been gone longer than usual?
Remember, your cat has a pretty good concept of time. However, your cat cannot differentiate between hours and minutes regarding time. What your cat can decipher, though, is when there are sudden changes to their daily routine. Let’s say your cat expects you to be there in the morning when he wakes up or at night when he is zooming around the house. If he notices that you are not there, he recognizes this as disrupting his routine and immediately takes notice. He may even cry out for you in frustration, wondering if perhaps you are somewhere in the home where he isn’t able to see you.
Cats do wait for their owners to come home. But each cat does it differently.
My cat is not the type to sit right by the door and wait for me. He often waits for me by sitting in one of my kitchen barstool chairs, maybe six feet from the door. If I’ve only been gone for a short while, this is typically where I will find him when I return. If I’ve been gone for several hours, he will rub anxiously against my legs and meow VERY loudly. It’s as if to protest my extended absence. These times, he is usually on the foot of my bed, where he always sleeps at night or on my desk chair.
Many cats will wait for their owners by the door. And when we lived in a townhome with a glass patio door, I often saw him waiting there. Many cats love to greet their owners upon arrival. I’ve heard many stories of cats allowed outside to greet their owners in the driveway once they recognize their car coming down the street. Your cat thrives on routine and is not a fan of change. Because of this and the fact that they are bonded to you, cats wait for their owners to come home. Because without you around, life isn’t as good for them! And don’t forget that cats are tiny micromanagers that always pride themselves on your whereabouts and actions. Cats may be independent beings, but you are their exception to the rule. And they are most often anxiously awaiting for you to come back home. Does your cat get spoiled with treats when you walk into the door? Well, you best believe they are waiting for you to come home to them!