All cats are amazing. It doesn’t matter what they look like; each cat is a work of art. While tabbies are beloved by many for their gregarious personas, and tuxies and torties are admired for their effortless attitude, there is something special to be said when it comes to black cats. If you’ve shared your home and given your heart to a black cat, you know firsthand how incredible these cats are. Check out my list of five reasons why black cats are awesome!
Black cats are awesome because they’re known for their loving and loyal nature.
It wasn’t until I brought a black cat into my life in November of 2023 that I learned how loyal these cats can be. I’d had tabbies and a tuxedo cat in the past, but nothing compares to how my black cat adores me. He is always by my side, sleeps with me every night, and craves to be near me at all hours. So much so that he hangs out between the shower curtains every single time I take a shower. At first, I thought he did this so he could jump in the tub right after to get some water droplets, but I was wrong because he had zero interest in doing so. He was waiting for me to be done to hang out again.
Tabby cats are highly regarded for their friendly nature, and tuxedo cats and tortoiseshell cats are loved by many for their feisty cattitude. But when it comes to black cats, many black cat lovers across the globe praise these felines for their sweet nature and loyalty to those they love.
Black cats look like mini panthers!
I don’t know about you, but I just love big cats! Most of us are wise enough to know that big cats belong in the wild and would never think to keep one as a pet. But, when you welcome a black cat into your life, it gifts you the opportunity to have a mini panther of your own! These dark felines look mysterious without even trying—especially when you walk into a dark room only to find your cat there, hiding out successfully in the shadows. What’s one huge plus of having a black cat? You won’t have to worry about cat hair showing if you love dark clothes! This is just one of the many extra reasons black cats are awesome.
Although many cats have black in their coats, a solid black cat is somewhat rare.
Black is indeed the most common fur color for cats. And this solid, sleek house panther design results from the high amount of melanin in black cats’ bodies. This can also affect their eye color, often resulting in yellow or gold irises. Many cats have black coats, which is considered somewhat rare when a cat is head-to-toe black. A genuine solid black cat has an entirely black coat with no white fur, solid black ear furnishings, completely black paw pads, and all-black whiskers.
It has been said for years that black cats are more challenging to get adopted, and during Halloween time, many shelters refuse to adopt black cats as a safety precaution. When you bring a black cat home from a shelter, know you are truly saving a life! As the saying goes, one person’s trash can be another man’s treasure. And when you have a solid black adopted cat, that treasure is said to be rare!
What’s cooler than a black cat? A ghost tabby! (Just kidding—they’re equally excellent!)
The color black in your cat’s coat is dominant, but you might see faint stripes throughout their fur if the light hits just right. This is because the gene that controls a cat’s coat color is dominant, while the gene that controls a cat’s coat pattern is recessive. Because of this, black cats that possess the gene for a black coat and the tabby gene can be a slight blend of both. So, this results in what is known as a ghost tabby!
Black cats are synonymous with good luck in many countries around the world!
Don’t let those age-old rumors fool you; black cats are synonymous with good luck and fortune. Although some silly Americans disagree, many countries and cultures around the globe bestow high praise on black cats. shared in an article about black cats: “In Japan, black cats are believed to be harbingers of economic success and true love. Centuries ago, many European sailors considered black cats good luck and often sought them out to bring their ships onboard. The sailors’ wives also kept black cats at home to help ensure their husbands made it home safely. They loved black cats and considered them friendly, affectionate, and loving as cats of any color.”
It should come as no surprise that of all the places around the globe where black cats have been admired, Ancient Egypt takes the cake for their undying love of black cats. These felines were so admired in these times that they were worshipped as gods! Now, I wonder if they still remember this—because I know there’s no denying that I worship the ground my black cat walks on, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.